
Every Marthomite is expected to be a true witness to Jesus Christ and sharing the joy of salvation in whichever position he/she is placed. The Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists Association (MTVEA) was established in the year 1924 with this very purpose in view.

The Suvisesha Sevika Sangham, the women’s wing of The Suvisesha Sevika Sangham, the women’s wing of Mar Thoma church was inaugurated in 1919, during the Maramon Convention, under the leadership of Abraham Mar Thoma Suffragan Metropolitan. The motto of the Sevika Sangham is – 'Service and Evangelism, in the life and mission of the Mar Thoma Church'.

The choir is a registered organization under the Department of Sacred Music & Communications (DSMC) of the Mar Thoma Church. As per the DSMC rules and guidelines, an audition was held in November 2011 to select members to be in the choir for the three year term from 2012 to 2014. An add-on audition was held in April 2013 to fill some open seats in the Youth wing. We currently have 45 members in the Malayalam wing and 50 in the Youth wing.

‍The goal of Sunday school is to “bring every child to Jesus”. Children are our greatest blessings from God. It is our collective responsibility as parents and teachers to ensure that our children seek knowledge and wisdom from scriptures and grow in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam was formed with the view that the youth of the Church should accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord, and bear witness to His powers. The Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam was formed in 1933 under the leadership of Rev. V. P. Mammen.

The Mar Thoma Church of Dallas, Farmers Branch Youth Fellowship is one of the largest Youth Fellowships in the diocese. Our mission is to be stewards of the ongoing growth of youth and to work toward the vision which is to strengthen the bond between Christ and His people through worship, devotion, witness, and service.

The Young families are a varied group of individual families who seek God's counsel in leading a Christian life. We meet to share our common ideas, experiences, joys, and sorrows; seeking God's answers to the many trials that afflict the family unit and as individuals. We are able to share the experiences of leading a married life, bringing up children in a modern era, balancing both work and family responsibilities.